Monday, March 24, 2014

Kansas-Lets's Be Real

I live in Kansas.  Even it's name is boring. It doesn't scream tourist attraction or fun things to do.  Sure, I can think of a million other places I'd rather be, visit, or live.  But here I am.  While I often crack jokes about being from Kansas there are many things to be thankful for, and I truly am thankful and blessed.  One of the things I love about Kansas is the spectacular displays of sunrises and sunsets.  I can't help myself in taking many pictures of the beautiful Kansas sky during any season of the year.  So here it is this cool and brisk Monday morning to start my day/work week.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

My First Post-New to Blogging

I thought I would give this blogging thing a try. So here I am. My first post. Now that my girls have grown up and moved on with their lives I have focused my attention on some of the activities I truly love; scrapbooking, photography and spending time with my husband doing some bass fishing.  I miss living in the peaceful country, but I love taking an early morning or evening drive down a gravel road to see the beauty not commonly seen on the more traveled paths.  My blog will focus on these activities.